Mentoring for 2013-2014

In a revision of our BSc Web Development all final year students for 2013-2014 will be required to complete a final year project. This might be a research project relating to UXD, IA or web design or such, or a practical project such as the development of a site for a client.

With this revision we would like to introduce a level of mentoring from industry. This would require web professionals to act as mentors to the students, providing a limited amount (to be agreed) of guidance and advice. The students will also have an academic supervisor.

If any web professionals (in this case front-end developers, UX, IA and accessibility experts) feel that they might like to be involved with this please register your interest by emailing Richard Eskins – For ease of contact, we would prefer professionals based in North West England, but would be happy to hear from others further afield. This would be purely voluntary, no fees.

Even better, if you’d like to become a mentor and have a small project you’ve been avoiding (perhaps a site for your friend’s small business) that we could use, that would be perfect.

We would also love to hear from any one already working such a scheme if you can help us get this right. Any suggestions are welcome.


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